
12 Flows Colour Fan Set

  • 12 Fans
  • Easy to hold Acrylic Spot Print Fans
  • Deep winter, Cool winter, Bright winter, Cool Summer, Light summer, Soft summer
  • Dark autumn, Warm autumn, Soft autumn, Bright spring, Warm spring and Light spring
  • It is easy to use by image consultant, colour consultant, fashion consultant or make-up consultant to identify the right colours of clothing, accessories and cosmetic colours for client.
  • The seasonal flow colour has 12 Fans include a protective layer on top of the colours, name and symbol of each seasonal flow (e.g dark autumn is symbolize with autumn leaf), a fan that display TIV which Temperature, Intensity and Value of each seasonal flow)
  • The material is waterproof and durable.
  • The fan can be used as a guide to simplify selection of clothing and accessories and may also be used in choosing home and office interior colors, fabrics and designs.



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